March 6, 2024
Natural Cures

Home Remedies For Hip Treatment

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Hip pain is a major problem that can be caused by a wide variety of problems. Hip pain can sometimes be caused by arthritis, injuries or other problems, diseases, and conditions in other areas of your body, such as your lower back. This type of pain is called referred pain. In this article, we’ll discuss some home remedies for hip replacement.


Hip replacement surgery has come a long way in the past couple of decades, with faster recovery times and a lower risk of complications. It’s also becoming more common, especially among younger patients. It is the second most common joint replacement surgery, closely following knee replacements. It can be difficult to know when the right time to have a hip replacement surgery is because many people are not aware of it.
About 90% of patients with hip replacement surgery have good results.


This is a surgical procedure in which a doctor removes a painful hip joint and replaces it with an artificial joint often made from metal and plastic components. It usually is done when all other treatment options have failed to provide accurate pain relief. This procedure relieves a painful hip joint, making walking easier. It takes time to get a person back to normal life. Usually, after 12 weeks of surgery, many patients can resume their recreational activities, such as taking a long walk, cycling, or playing golf. Sometimes it may take time for some patients up to 6 months to completely recover following a hip replacement. There are some home remedies for hip replacement that a person can follow to get back to normal life. Some of them are…..

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#Preparing Your Home

These tips can help you make your home more comfortable, and can be addressed before your surgery:
⦁ Rearrange furniture so you can maneuver with a cane, walker, or crutches. You may temporarily change rooms to minimize the use of stairs.
⦁ Place frequently used items like phones, remote control, glasses, and medications within easy reach so you do not have to reach up or bend down.
⦁ Use assistive devices such as a long-handled shoehorn, a long-handled sponge, and a grabbing tool or reacher to avoid bending over too far.
⦁ Get a good chair, which is firm and has a higher-than-average seat. These types of chairs are safer than others.
⦁ Install a raised toilet seat, gripping bar, and shower chair in the bathroom.

#Pay Attention to Diet and Weight

Good nutrition is essential for your recovery. Eating snacks and well-balanced meals can help you recover quickly and help you feel better. What you eat affects your well-being. If you don’t eat enough of the right foods, you will become tired and less able to take recover yourself. Be sure you eat on time, even if you do not feel hungry.
According to the United States Department of Agriculture, you should:
⦁ eat smaller portion sizes
⦁ make half of your grains whole
⦁ make half of your plate vegetables and fruits
⦁ drink fat-free or low-fat milk
⦁ eat lean proteins

Nutrients are important for your recovery.
Eating foods rich in nutrients is important for your recovery.
⦁ Protein
⦁ Iron
⦁ Vitamin C
⦁ Calcium
⦁ Fiber

#Get in a healthy exercise routine

These exercises will help you recover speedily and actually diminish your pain. You may feel uncomfortable at first but for a quick recovery, these are important.
⦁ Ankle Pumps
⦁ Ankle Rotations
⦁ Bed-Supported Knee Bends
⦁ Buttock Contractions
⦁ Abduction Exercise
⦁ Quadriceps Set
⦁ Straight Leg Raises
⦁ Stair Climbing and Descending

#Wound Care

During your recovery after surgery, follow these guidelines to take care of your wound and help prevent infection at home.
⦁ Keep the wound area clean and dry. A dressing will be applied in the hospital and should be changed as often as directed by your doctor.
⦁ Follow the doctor’s instructions on how long to wait before you shower or bathe in order to prevent surgical wound
⦁ If the wound begins to drain or appears red, then it could be a sign of infection. Notify your doctor immediately.


Take all medications as directed by your doctor. Home medications may include opioid and non-opioid pain pills, oral or injectable blood thinners, stool softeners, and other medications. Talk to your doctor about all your medications, supplements, and vitamins. Your doctor will tell you which over-the-counter medicines are safe to take while using prescribed pain medication.

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