February 18, 2025

Treating Hirsutism in Women With PCOS

Treating Hirsutism in Women With PCOS
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There are many natural ways to cure hirsutism, but fenugreek for hirsutism is the best PCOS natural cure to reduce the effects of this disease. Global statistics show that one in fifteen women are affected by PCOS worldwide. No woman wants unwanted facial hair on her face, but unfortunately, hirsutism is a general symptoms related to PCOS skin problems.
Before saying further, let us know what actually hirsutism is? How it is related to PCOS? Possible treatments for hirsutism? How fenugreek for hirsutism cures it?

How are Hirsutism & PCOS Connected?

Hirsutism is maximum hair growth on full body, and the major worries of women are the facial hair growth. The unwanted hair growth mostly around the jawline, chin, arms, legs, and torso hugely damages the mental wellbeing of young women.
Hormonal imbalance is responsible for PCOS and results in the production of excess androgens. Hirsutism is one of the side effects caused by PCOS.  A primary reason behind PCOS is the body’s resistance to insulin, as the excess insulin produced is not consumed by the body and result in the growth of facial hair with PCOS.

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Fenugreek for Hirsutism

The best PCOS natural cure is fenugreek for hirsutism. Fenugreek is a natural remedy for polycystic ovary syndrome. Being an herb, it has very less side effects as compared to metformin treatment. In many clinical studies, it has also shown a decrease in blood glucose levels.
Fenugreek  for hirsutism also helps to cure the state of hirsutism which is caused due to the raised levels of androgens in the ovaries. As the androgen levels are normalized, hirsutism is also managed. Thus, fenugreek for hirsutism is a natural therapy which targets all the goals for the PCOS natural cure.

Possible Treatments for PCOS Triggered Hirsutism

Hair never stops growing unless they are treated from the root. There are a plethora of strategies that can assist you in dealing with PCOS and facial hair. You can opt for these as per your lifestyle and doctor’s prescription. Without a proper consultation from the doctor, you will be just firing in the air and your efforts will go in vain.
To address this hormonal imbalance, or at least, keep its symptoms in control, PCOS specialists and experts recommend multiple treatments, remedies, and health tips.
Some of them are explained below:

Natural Change in Diet

An unhealthy diet can cause hormonal problems. For proper functioning of the body, it is very important to maintain healthy hormone levels, which can be done by maintaining a healthy diet. Some things you need to keep in mind before changing your diet are:

  • Eat gut-friendly foods in your diet
  • Try to eat healthy fats like coconut oil, fatty fish, nuts, seeds, extra-virgin oil, and grass-fed butter.
  • Stay away from processed and refined foods.
  • Fiber-rich foods say lean proteins and fruits are beneficial
Permanent Hair Removal

The two types of permanent hair removal found in daily life are: electrolysis and laser treatment. While doing electrolysis, a very fine needle is inserted into the hair follicle. A small electric current is sent to permanently destroy the hair follicle capability to reproduce hair. Since follicles are treated single at a time, it is somewhat impractical to use electrolysis to treat very large areas of the body.
Laser treatments can be used on large areas of the body where the hair growth is high. Although their long-term effectiveness is not as well preferred as electrolysis. While proceeding laser hair treatment, a beam of light is sent through the skin to the hair follicle to destroy it. People usually with light skin and dark hair achieve better results with laser hair removal.

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Other PCOS Natural cure can lead a Healthy life

Some other PCOS natural Cure can help reducing the hirsutism. Other than fenugreek for hirsutism, there are many other natural things to adapt that reduces PCOS and cures hirsutism. Let’s have a look:
Plant-based Diet
Ditch Caffeine
Supplements with Probiotics
Use of Flaxseed
Apple cider vinegar
Bitter Gourd
Cinnamon and many more

Let’s Conclude

Fenugreek for hirsutism is counted as the best PCOS natural cure for hirsutism. FUROCYST is one of the PCOS natural cure supplements that is a proprietary product extracted from single herb fenugreek seed. It is clinically approved safe supplement for treatment of PCOS with no side effects.
You can try the above products or can skip everything for a single natural supplement, Furocyst. It completely depends on your choice but we recommend the medical innovation to be the best and safest.