March 7, 2024
Therapies Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Understanding the World of CBT, DBT, and MBT: What Makes Them Different?

There are various techniques to choose from in the complex field of mental health therapy, each with its own distinct style and tactics. Three well-known ones—often shortened to CBT, Dialectical Behavior Therapy. And, MBT—stands out for being very successful. This post will provide you with a clear understanding of the differences between these therapies and […]

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Cognitive Behavior Therapy Therapies

Talk Therapy vs. CBT: Navigating the World of Online Therapy for Mental Wellness

In the intricate tapestry of mental health treatment, two prominent threads stand out: talk therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Both offer unique pathways to healing, yet the question lingers — is one truly more effective than the other? In recent years, the digital age has ushered in a new era of mental health care: […]

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Cognitive Behavior Therapy Therapies

Treating Anxiety with CBT – A Complete Guide

Anxiety is a common human experience. We’ve all felt that uneasy knot in our stomachs before a big presentation or the racing thoughts that keep us awake at night. But for other people, anxiety goes beyond passing concern and instead takes on a constant, oppressive presence in their lives. This is a situation where Cognitive […]

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Therapies Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Understanding CBT, DBT, and MBT Therapies’ Differences

There are numerous methods that might help people overcome challenges in life and discover happiness when it comes to mental health and well-being. Mentalization-Based Therapy (MBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) are three of the most well-known techniques. Let’s talk about these treatments in a nice way, like you would with […]

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Cognitive Behavior Therapy Therapies

CBT vs Counseling: What is the Difference?

The number of people experiencing mental health problems is on the rise. Financial difficulties, breakups, divorces, and whatnot. As mental health issues continue to grow, so does the need for psychological therapy, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and counseling. If you’re reading this article, chances are you or someone you know is struggling with […]

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Understanding Acrophobia – Irrational Fear of Heights: Treatments & Therapy To Overcome It

What does acrophobia mean? Acrophobia is an intense fear of height. People with acrophobia may feel anxiety and panic, when they are standing in high places such as the top floor of a building/house, bridge, or mountain. If you have acrophobia, thinking about crossing bridges or seeing photos of a mountain, this situation may trigger […]

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