March 6, 2024
Natural Cures

How to get rid of Acne Scars using Home Remedies

How to get rid of Acne Scars using Home Remedies
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Dealing with acne skin is itself a challenging thing. But if you get acne scars on your skin, the situation becomes even worse. You get spots when acne penetrates deep into your skin, damaging the inner layer. This acne can leave your skin with an ugly-looking scar.

Acne scars are removable with some medicines and home remedies. Natural remedies are comparatively safe and easy to access, so people prefer to try them first.

Let’s understand the different types of acne scars, their potential causes, and the natural ways to treat them.

What are the different types of acne scars?

Understanding the type of acne scars you are trying to remove is best. Whatever acne skin damage you have, various appropriate treatment options may exist. There are five kinds of acne scars according to skin doctors:

  • Hypertrophic scars: When your skin produces excessive clogs, a lifted tissue mass forms on the skin to cure acne wounds, it may be itchy and delicate.
  • Atrophic wounds: Such scars look like tiny pits. These take place due to the loss of skin tissue.
  • Icepick scars: These are typically small, noticeable scars that resemble pinpricks.
  • Boxcar scars: These are deeper depressions with distinct edges.
  • Rolling scars: These have undefined edges and a wavy, rolling, or uneven appearance on the skin.

Atrophic scars are similar to hypertrophic scars but typically stronger than the original acne scar. Mostly it makes the affected area of the skin a bit darker. It makes them appear more apparent in comparison to the skin around them. They may also be itchy or painful and may be red or brown.

Why do acne scars form?

Among the causes of acne are:

  • Bacteria
  • Dead skin
  • Natural skin oils
  • Blocked-up micro-cracks over the skin
  • Genetic tendency to acne

Acne develops when bacteria, dead skin cells, and oils clog the skin’s pores, causing inflammation (swelling). Acne is more common in tissue sections with sebaceous glands. It mainly appears on the face, chest, and back.

Acne inflammation results in the formation of acne scars. The scars can be both superficial and deep. Surface scars are superficial and heal rapidly. Acne swells and then ruptures, releasing its contents into the surrounding tissue. It leads to deeper scarring. The scar heals when the skin starts producing new collagen fibers, and the scar forms when the body attempts to treat and cure acne.

How to naturally remove acne scars

The following are examples of traditional home remedies for treating acne scars:

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera contains both moisturizing and soothing properties, These act as a healing solution for acne scars. Aloe Vera’s antioxidants reduce inflammation and redness, while its natural antiseptic properties eliminate excess oil and dead skin cells.

Aloe Vera is also beneficial for sunburns. You can even eat it after diluting properly. Aloe’s most outstanding quality is that it does not require precise measurements. Scrape the pulp from the leaf, apply soap to the wound, and cover it with cling film. It may feel strange and sticky, but your skin will appreciate it.

2. Lemon

Lemon minimizes the possibility of creating acne scars. It functions as a disinfectant (kills bacteria), an exfoliant, and a skin lightener. It also prevents the formation of new zits. Using cotton, you can apply lemon juice to your face after squeezing some lemons. You can apply lemon juice to your face and wash it with cold water.

3. Tea tree essential oil

This product, sourced from the Australian Melaleuca alternifolia tree, is antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. Applying oil to specific parts of the face may help clear clogged pores and even diminish scarring.

4. Honey

This potential acne scar treatment is available in your kitchen. Honey is suitable for medicinal purposes, including treating burns, wounds, and herpes. And research indicates it can accelerate wound healing, reducing the likelihood of scarring.

Researchers discovered that honey’s antibacterial properties help in wound healing and cleansing. You can apply it directly. Additionally, it can combat infections that could otherwise cause acne to worsen.

5. Turmeric powder

Turmeric, a compound with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, reduces the excess production of melanin. Melanin adds discoloration to your scar and makes it darker. Turmeric is beneficial for acne scars because it contains curcumin.

It improves the complexion and treats discoloration. It is also antiseptic, so it will not irritate your skin as it soothes it.

Use it with some of the honey. Add equal amounts of love and turmeric (1 tsp each) and leave the paste on for approximately 20 minutes to exfoliate and remove dead skin cells. Thoroughly rinse with cool water.

6. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar may wipe away the top layer of skin and diminish the appearance of acne scars when diluted. However, ensure that the solution is sufficiently diluted. Condensed apple cider vinegar can damage the skin.

7. Rosehip seed oil

Rosehip is an excellent source of vitamin C, which aids in treating acne scars.

Rosehip seed oil (RHO) is used in cosmetics to treat skin scarring. It has been utilized for scar management for years. It contains a high concentration of essential and unsaturated fatty acids, crucial for skin penetrating and treating acne scars. It is safe to apply rosehip seed oil directly to the affected area.


In most cases, acne scars resolve independently or improve with time. But if there are lasting skin color changes or skin indentations, treatment is vital. There are several natural and chemical-based treatments that you can use to get rid of your acne scars. However, before starting any such treatments, it is always advisable to consult a dermatologist.


1. Can acne scars heal with home remedies?

In most cases, acne scars fade away on their own. You don’t need to put in the special effort. Simple home remedies like aloe Vera or honey can make the spots lighter.

2. What is the best treatment for scars on the face?

Lasers and other light treatments are the best for acne scars. These are the best for acne scars, like keloid scars.

3. What kills acne ultimately?

Isotretinoin is the process best for acne scar elimination for good. This medicine is so powerful in fighting away every cause of acne, like bacteria, clogged pores, excess oil, and inflammation. It is successful in about 85% of patients with permanent clear skin.