March 6, 2024

Megalophobia (Fear of Large Objects) : Definition, Causes, Symptoms, Impact, Treatments & Therapy to Overcome It

Megalophobia (Fear of Large Objects) : Definition, Causes, Symptoms, Impact, Treatments & Therapy to Overcome It
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Megalophobia people have fear from large objects such as big buildings , airplanes, vehicles and big statues. It is also known as “fear of large objects”. In comparison to other types of phobia, megalophobia is highly treated with a psychological therapy which is called exposure therapy. While it will take time and effort, there are several ways to manage this condition.

What is Megalophobia?

It is a type of anxiety disorder in which a patient feels fear from a large object. A person who has megalophobia experiences intense fear and anxiety, when they are thinking about and surrounding large objects such as large buildings, statues, animals, vehicles, large space, mountains and hills. Mostly they avoid going to places or situations that have large objects.

Which Kind of Tall Objects Are People Scared with Megalophobia?

When you are experiencing these conditions, you may be scared from large objects such as:

  • Large buildings, including skyscrapers.
  • Statues and memorials.
  • Large spaces evoke sensations similar to claustrophobia.
  • Hills and mountains
  • Massive vehicles such as trucks, trains, and buses.
  • Aircraft and helicopters.
  • Boats and ships.
  • Large areas of water such as lakes, and ponds. 
  • Fear of large animals including elephants, whales, etc.

There are many kinds of phobias which can be challenging to diagnose. People who have problems with megalophobia, generally fearful of large objects. For instance, If you have fear of the ocean (which is a large object), you may have thalassophobia which is known as fear of the ocean not called megalophobia. If you are feeling these fears, you need to find a therapist today!

Who is Affected by Megalophobia?

Who is Affected by Megalophobia?

As compared to other phobias, megalophobia affects anyone at age. It is mostly developed in children and becomes noticeable in young adults.

Know the Warning Sign and Symptoms of Megalophobia

If people experience megalophobia, they are not able to avoid any large objects and are near large objects including following symptoms:

  • Experience fear and anxiety.
  • Increase in heart rate.
  • Experiencing difficulty in breathing.
  • Feel dizzy and disoriented.
  • Nausea.
  • Crying.
  • Instantly get panic.
  • Sweating.
  • Disturbed stomach.

Impact of Megalophobia

With megalophobia patient feet uncomfortable leaving their home, leads to:

  • You may miss your days of work.
  • You may cancel or fail your plans with family or team.
  • Have fear of going shopping for unhygienic products.

When symptoms are at worst, person may lose their:

  • Job
  • House
  • Social Connections
  • Self-love
  • Purpose and direction in life.

These symptoms will not appear suddenly, as you know most situations slowly progress over the month and year.

Diagnosis of Megalophobia

Causes of Megalophobia

If you are curious to know the causes of megalophobia, then there is uncertainty to researchers. However, most researchers believe that living with negativity or traumatic experiences that include a large object may contribute to an increasing chance of megalophobia.

Diagnosis of Megalophobia

It can be diagnosed through a series of questions about the patient’ history, experiences and symptoms. If you are experiencing fear and anxiety of large objects for at least six months in order to be diagnosed with megalophobia.
Generally phobia have four factors for diagnosis, including:

  1. Intense and irrational fear: A fear towards the object or situations are excessive and out of proportion to a normal level of fear.
  2. Anticipatory anxiety: Patient with phobia who has excessively worry or dread future situations, or feeling fear of an object or situation.
  3. Avoidance: Many patients with phobia actively avoid the feared object or situation. Some go to extreme lengths to protect any other thing they are afraid of.
  4. Phobia impaired with day-to-day activities: Fear experienced by the significantly limit their everyday life, thereby meeting the factor for diagnosing a phobia.

Is There Any Test for Megalophobia?

There is no accurate test to diagnose megalophobia. Instead, your therapist will question your history, symptoms and experiences related to megalophobia to assess whether or not you suffer from megalophobia.

Irrational Fear of Heights

Treatments for Megalophobia (Fear of Large Objects)

Treatments for any types of phobia will involve a combination of therapies, and medications. Therapy will help you to address causes of phobia, while medications will help you to decrease the severity of your anxiety symptoms.

Treatments options for megalophobia may include:

    • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): It is an approach that helps to measure your irrational fears and relapse them with more retinol value. In this therapy your therapist will ask questions and talk that can help you adopt a different perspective.
    • Exposure therapy: It involves images or objects that trigger your fear. Therapists use exposure therapy for people who have a phobia that slowly encourages them to enter in these situations which may cause anxiety to stay in this situation and help to teach them how you can manage?
    • Through talk therapy
    • Group therapy

How to Overcome Megalophobia?

No matter, you have a phobia, your mental health experts give you effective solutions to reduce your symptoms and establish well-being. Instead of avoidance, it is best to discover yourself when your fears or anxiety start to improve. Apart from the professional settings, there are various options to overcome megalophobia with practical, at-home options. These options are free and readily available and dome almost anywhere.
You can adopt your lifestyle changes to help with anxiety management, that include:

  • Consuming a balanced diet
  • Daily exercise and yoga practice
  • Connect with social support
  • Have ability to face fear
  • Practice on relaxations skills
  • Stress management
  • Exploring path to inner fulfillment

You know the best part of adopting these functional changes is that you can never select only one. To get the best results, all of these can be done concurrently.

Summing up:

You may experience the fear of object or megalophobia, challenging but therapy is the best option to reach out support and overcome its barrier. Avoiding large objects can be a temporary relief but you can not overcome your anxiety. Making lifestyle changes and with the help of professional treatment you can reduce symptoms of megalophobia.