March 6, 2024

The 12 Best Therapies for Treating Alcohol and Drug Use

The 12 Best Therapies for Treating Alcohol and Drug Use
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If you feel like you drink more than usual and don’t know how to stop. We will suggest you consider therapy that can help you limit your alcohol and lead you to a better life.

It’s important to make sure that you are open and honest with yourself about your struggles. There’s a variety of therapies available to aid in this journey. Each is tailored to different needs.

In this article, we’ll explore twelve of the best therapies for treating alcohol and drug use. Focusing on common types of therapy that can provide effective solutions.

1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT, or cognitive behavioral therapy, functions as a mental and emotional road map. It assists you in identifying unhealthy patterns and changing them for better ones. To understand how your emotions and behaviors relate to substance use.

You’ll work with a therapist. You and your loved one will discover coping mechanisms for cravings and triggers. CBT equips you with tools to manage your reactions, making it a valuable type of treatment.

Who gets benefits from CBT-I

2. Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET)

Imagine a coach who cheers you on to achieve your goals. That’s what Motivational Enhancement Therapy does. This therapy emphasizes self-motivation and builds your confidence in changing your behavior.

You’ll discuss your thoughts and feelings surrounding substance use in a non-confrontational way. The therapist will help you see how quitting drugs or alcohol aligns with your personal values, inspiring positive change.

3. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

DBT is like a toolbox for handling intense emotions. It’s particularly helpful if you struggle with both substance use and overwhelming feelings. DBT teaches mindfulness, emotion regulation, and interpersonal skills.

You’ll learn to tolerate distress without resorting to alcohol or drugs. This type of treatment focuses on accepting your current state while working towards a healthier future.

What is cognitive behavioral therapy?

4. Support Groups

Imagine being part of a team where everyone understands your struggles. Support groups provide a safe space to share your thoughts and feelings without judgment. Hearing others’ stories can inspire hope and a sense of belonging.

Groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) are common types of therapy. Sharing your experiences and listening to others can be immensely healing.


5. Family Therapy

Your thoughts and feelings about alcohol and drugs can impact those around you. Family therapy involves your loved ones in your treatment. Together, you’ll explore how your substance use has affected family dynamics.

Open and honest conversations can lead to understanding and healing. Family therapy helps you build a support system that’s crucial for your recovery journey.

The Power of Therapy: Strengthen Yourself, Family, and Relationships

6. Mindfulness-Based Therapies

Imagine being fully present at the moment, free from worries about the past or future. Mindfulness-based therapies teach you to do just that. Mindfulness helps you manage cravings and reduce stress. It involves carefully observing your feelings and thoughts.

Practices like meditation and deep breathing become powerful tools in your arsenal against substance use.

7. Contingency Management

Reward yourself for making positive changes! Contingency Management uses positive reinforcement to encourage sobriety. You set achievable goals, and when you reach them, you receive rewards.
These rewards can be anything that brings you joy – it could be a hobby, a special treat, or even a small celebration. This therapy helps you stay motivated by focusing on the positive outcomes of your efforts.

8. Holistic Therapies

Holistic therapies treat your whole being – mind, body, and soul. These therapies acknowledge that substance use impacts all aspects of your life. Yoga, acupuncture, art therapy, and outdoor activities are examples of holistic approaches.
Engaging in these activities can promote self-discovery, reduce stress, and enhance your overall well-being.

9. Group Therapy

Imagine being in a room with others who share similar challenges. Group therapy provides a supportive environment where you can openly discuss your thoughts and feelings about alcohol and drug use.
Led by a skilled therapist, these sessions encourage interaction, empathy, and the sharing of coping strategies. Through the stories of others, you may find inspiration and insights that help you on your own journey.

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10. Narrative Therapy

Think of your life as a story. Narrative therapy helps you reshape your narrative by focusing on your strengths rather than your struggles. You’ll work with a therapist to examine how your thoughts and feelings are woven into your personal story of substance use.

Through this exploration, you can rewrite the script, emphasizing moments of resilience and growth.

11. 12-Step Programs

You might have heard of programs like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA). These are 12-step programs that offer a structured path to recovery.

They revolve around acknowledging your powerlessness over substances and relying on a higher power for support. Sharing your experiences, thoughts, and feelings with a group that follows the same steps can be incredibly empowering.

12. Psychodynamic Therapy

Dive into the deeper layers of your thoughts and feelings with psychodynamic therapy. This type of treatment examines the unconscious factors that contribute to your substance use.

By understanding the root causes, you can work through unresolved emotions and traumas that might be driving your behavior. Psychodynamic therapy helps you develop insight into your thought patterns and how they relate to your struggles.


It’s important to remember that asking for assistance shows strength, not weakness. Everyone’s path to quitting drugs and alcohol is different. The eight therapies covered here provide a variety of approaches for dealing with your concerns about substance use.

The first step to recovery is being upfront and honest about your difficulties. Knowing that you’re taking a daring step toward a healthier, happier future, doesn’t matter if you select CBT, MET, DBT, support groups, family therapy, mindfulness-based therapies, contingency management, or holistic approaches.
You can choose the road that works best for you to recover with the correct kind of care.

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